Tanjung Lesung

Last weekend we drove down with friends to the Sailing Club at Tanjung Lesung which is on the west coast of Java on a peninsula overlooking a large bay. We did this in a complicated sharing of cars and drivers spread over a long weekend.

The club offers fairly basic accommodation (a/c in bedroom but only cold showers )  in a fantastic location with great food right on the beach. I was able to dig out my rusty sailing skills and had a great time mucking around on some Lasers and eating and drinking with friends.

The host was entertaining, initially in a Basil Fawlty sort of way but he warmed up during the stay and spent a good evening telling stories of  feral pigs, slow lorises ( lori? ) and more.

Its a great place to escape Jakarta. Tanjung Lesung area has the feel of an area slated for big things that have never quite happened, but frankly that suits me that meant there were not the crowds you get in most places in Indonesia. We did a bike ride on some fairly dodgy bikes from the club around the nearby resort on grand boulevards planned for dual carriageways but reduced to single rough roads and got caught in a tropical downpour.

Sadly we were brought back to reality when our return trip took six hours mostly stuck in traffic over the mountains rather than the three and a half it had taken to drive there
