Jungle Giants, Ojeks and Alison's Street Cred.

Yesterday we went to see the Jungle Giants an Australian Indie band.

Alison had organised this concert and contributed to them coming as an Alumni event aimed at Indonesians who have studied in Australia. We all went, Cathy with me in the car with Pak Julius driving, Ken with a friend from school, and Alison from work .

This week the Asia - Africa Conference is on here so lots of heads of state and ministers are here making the traffic that much worse as roads are intermittently closed for dignitaries as they move about. Knowing this Cathy and I left early around 5:50 aiming to be there around 7:20 ( its about 7 km ). We immediately hit traffic but got around this up to a main road to find that was blocked by police due to the conference. They had a look at our CD plates and at Pak Julius our driver who is a refined looking 60 old year old and they let us through on to the the deserted road and we zipped up the road to arrive at our destination by 6:20, about an hour early. We whiled way the time in one of the super malls here. Catherine refused to buy me a MacLaren so I refused to get her something from Tiffany,

Meanwhile Alison had left from work around 5.00 pm with some colleges in a Embassy car, they too hit the traffic then the blocked road but they did not have Pak J's charm so were turned away.Apparently they kept trying various packed ways and failing till the driver gave up put them out of the car telling them it was just down the road. The GPS told them they were still over 5 km away and Alison was getting a bit desperate as she needed to be there so they each got an Ojek ride there. An Ojek is a motorbike where you hop on and ride pillion with the driver.  The drivers were able to get on empty closed streets and weaved through the traffic and arrived there about 8.00pm. Unfortunately I was not around to take a photo, but this is an artists impression.

Alison arrived and took the twins, Ken's friend Jackson and me through to backstage to meet the band. After the motorbike ride and this Alison's street cred was at an all time high. The band were really nice and the friendly energetic bass player chatted with the 16 years olds for some time.

There was a few Indonesian support acts. I quite liked the second one neonomora who was sort of like an Indonesian Florence.

The Venue

The Jungle Giants were really good and it was about as happy as I have seen the twins here. A good night after all the earlier drama. We all squashed back into the car, ears ringing, with three of Alison's colleagues as long suffering Pak J drove us all home.

Twins getting a selfie with the lead singer.
