Easter Safari

We had a fairly quiet Easter long weekend. The Easter bunny managed to find us in Jakarta, but we did not get many traditional foil covered eggs as they are not in the shops here and the commissary's supply sold out quickly. They do however have lots of fine chocolate shops so we did not miss out entirely.

On Monday we decided it was time to get out of Jakarta for a while. I was going to drive but in the end Pak Julius drove for us. We headed out on the big toll road to Bogor. It reminds me of the Gold Coast Motorway a big 8 to 10 lane highway, packed on one side and barely moving but flowing freely on the other. Luckily we were headed out early when all the traffic was coming into Jakarta. We went past Bogor on to Puncak  and the Taman Safari.

You drive through this zoo in your car and the animals come up to you and you feed them the carrots you bought from the handily placed vendors on the way in. Some of the animals were fairly keen on the carrots ( Zebras you know this means you ).

 After the drive there is more Zoo to explore on foot with amusement rides and animal shows. As Easter Monday is not a public holiday here the crowds were small.

On the way home we stopped at the Cimory ( A large milk vendor ) Restaurant and Chocomory ( Chocolate Shop ). It is situated right on the river and had great chocolate. The same vibrant mountain stream turns into a stinky still river in Jakarta.
As my kids were obviously chocolate deprived after Easter we bought this little haul including green tea floured chocolate.
Then the big drive back home. This guy marks a big intersection that is our turn-off home.
