
We have just returned from a mini-break from Jakarta to Banka Belitung. An island north of Jakarta between Sumatra and Borneo. It is where the book Laskar Pelangi ( or Rainbow Troops, its a good read  ) was set. It was a great trip and good break to a more relaxed and less crowded place.

We flew from Jakarta, about 50 minute flight early on Saturday. Its just a small airport but the driver we thought we had booked via the hotel never turned up and ten minutes of Alison calling them on the phone failed so we turned to one of the drivers who were around asking if we needed a car and hired him for the day. It was a good move he ended up driving us around for three days as a guide / facilitator. I will give his number to anyone who wants it.

We immediately could tell we were no longer in Jakarta when there were hardly any other cars on the road to the hotel. Belitung was extensively mined for tin ( it is essentially the Billiton in BHP Billiton ). The tin is mostly gone but they still mine was things here.  We stopped at a place where they mine kaolin.

The Hotel Astor after the mess up with the driver was fantastic. It was right on the waterfront and our hotel overlooked the shallow bay.

We dropped our bags and went exploring. We went to Pantai Tanjung Tinggi which is beach and swam in the gorgeous water. 
The local constabulary were there to look after us.

From there we went on to the next beach, Pantai Tanjung Kelayang which was full of small fishing boats. We swam there and then had some fresh local seafood from a small warung by the sea.

We went back to the hotel to realise that we were burnt having got used to Jakarta's beneficial layer of useful pollution blocking the sun. That night we had a seafood buffet at the hotel. There were about 15 choices of types of seafood which you chose and they then grilled on charcol, really good.

The next day covered in sunscreen  we went island hopping on a small fishing boat. We visited various small islands including one with a lighthouse built in 1882 which we climbed up the 16 stories for a great view.

Our guide and captain.

inside the lighthouse

We then snorkelled the reefs which were in good shape and well populated with fish. At one point our captain jumped in the water with his spear gun and caught a nice big squid. The warung we had ate at the other day packed us a 'picnic' of more great seafood.

The next day we really only had time for a kopi at a local shop before heading back to reality.
