Tanjung Lesung II

With all the the children visiting we traveled down to Tanjung Lesung for a few nights after Christmas. We left early in the morning and managed to get to the Sailing Club in time for breakfast. We stayed in a nearby three bedroom villa. which was large and comfortable but in need of maintenance in that Indonesian way. The fly screens had large holes which meant we had to close the doors rather than let the sea breeze in.

The weather was fairly ordinary that first day drizzling on and off and with no wind to sail with, but we hired a canoe and walked the quiet calm coral beach.

The next day started with a downpour that cleared up mid-morning in time for us to do a walk/adventure up the  beach on the thin strip between the jungle/paddy fields and the bay. There were many streams from the recent rain pouring into the sea.

Lawn looking wetter and maybe more inviting than the greenish pool


The wind picked up in the afternoon enough for a sail.

The next working we set off around 9.30 and went the slightly longer way that winds up through a pass between two volcanoes. This was a really enjoyable part of the drive. We stopped and walked through the paddy fields in the plateau at the top.

Sadly from there the trip became a chore through the crowded roads near Pandeglang and Serang and up the busy tollway to the ever crowded Jakarta streets. We didn't arrive home till about 4.30 fairly exhausted from travelling all day. I am keen for them to build that tollway to reduce the pain of travel, but expect if they do then the things that attract me to the area will evaporate with the arrival of the Jakarta crowds.
